
Sustainable & Ethical Fashion


8 of the Best Woman Owned Sustainable Activewear Brands

It's time for another sustainable fashion round-up! Today I wanted to show you some of my favorite sustainable activewear brands.The best part about these brands is that they're owned by boss women you can feel good supporting.And, considering many parts of the world are going back into lockdown, it's the perfect time to find some more comfy workout clothes and loungewear to cozy up in. (Speaking of which, check out my 15 favorite sustainable & ethical loungewear brands here!)Now, let's talk about these ethical & sustainable activewear b[...]


5 Easy (and Cheap) Ways to Quit Fast Fashion & Build a Sustainable Wardrobe

Hey guys! So today I wanted to talk about something I'm super passionate about: quitting fast fashion & building a sustainable wardrobe. Now I'm curious...what's the first thought that comes to mind when I talk about sustainable clothing? Maybe that it's too expensive? That the only way to build a sustainable wardrobe is by investing in a capsule wardrobe? That sustainable/ethical brands aren't as fashionable or affordable as fast fashion brands? If you've considered quitting fast fashion before but had any of those thoughts, just know that you're not a[...]


11 Ethical & Sustainable Black Owned Jewelry Brands

Hey guys!So I took a bit of a break from blogging for the last few weeks. But, it was for good reason and now I'm back with a fun blog post to kick things back off!If you're wondering where I've been, I have actually been applying for grad schools and studying for the GRE. Luckily, that's all behind me now and worked out exactly as planned!Some of you may know that I've been working toward starting a social enterprise to sell ethical/sustainable custom-made swimwear. But, I've been looking for guidance to make this business the best it can be and tho[...]


9 of the Best Brands with Gorgeous Ethical & Sustainable Lingerie

azura bay lingerie models

As I'm sure you know, fast fashion trends and the overconsumption of clothing are causing great harm to our planet. But does that apply to lingerie? And is it worth investing in ethical and sustainable lingerie? Well, for me personally, lingerie is the only type of garment that I've always held on to for long periods of time, even before I knew about the harmful effects of fast fashion. But, those garments still need to be replaced eventually, so why not make an investment in high-quality ethical and sustainable brands next time? Especially since we need them[...]


15 Brands That Make the Best Sustainable & Ethical Loungewear

With all the extra time I've been spending at home during quarantine, I realized how little "loungewear" I really have. Either my clothes super nice and put-together or they're 10-year-old sweats with holes in them.  Seems like I have nothing in between!  And, though I'm in the process of upcycling some new loungewear for myself, it got me thinking about what kinds of ethical & sustainable alternatives are out there for those of you who don't sew. With that in mind, I did some research and came up with this list of 15 sustainable and ethical opt[...]


This Repreve Fabric Will Make You Want to Wear Plastic

Emily in red swimsuit in panama

Did you know? Plastic bottles can take up to 1,000 YEARS to degrade. And in the U.S. alone, 35 BILLION get thrown away each year. But it turns out, some of those plastic bottles can go in the the form of swimwear, that is! Keep reading to find out how the company Repreve is improving the clothing industry and helping the planet with their fabric. What is Repreve Fabric and how is it made? Repreve is a fabric made of recycled materials, including plastic bottles.  Also, Repreve fabric doesn't just include swimwear -- it's used[...]


8 Sustainable Swimwear Brands That You’ll Absolutely Love

Want to both look incredible on your next beach vacation while also doing good for the planet? These 8 sustainable swimwear brands are a win-win for you AND the environment. Why Sustainable Swimwear? As you may know, the clothes we buy from fast fashion brands are doing more harm to the environment than they should. Of course, it's always an amazing feeling to find a cute new swimsuit to wear on vacation. But how ironic is it that we often wear things to the ocean that have actually added to their pollution? (If you don't know about the harming effects of fast[...]


What is Fast Fashion? Here’s What You Need to Know

Fast fashion is a relatively new term that's become a bit of a buzzword in talks about the fashion industry. But, it's a term that most of us consumers may have never heard before. So, what is fast fashion?  What are its effects on the environment? Who benefits from it and who/what is harmed by it? What can we do about it? This post contains the answers to all of those questions. Fast fashion is an incredibly expansive topic though, on which I'll write several more in-depth posts. However, today we'll just get a general understanding of what fast fashio[...]